Saturday, August 2, 2014

God's Word

There is a time for everything under the sun, a time to be born and a time to die.
No one knows when their clock will stop ticking.

  Having spent most of my adult life caring for the sick and injured and yes the dead too... i have learned many things, but the main thing is not to take life for granted.   
It is so fragile, and it is just a vapor, this place is not our home, we are just passing through.

From dust we came and to dust we shall return.  
That is Bible!

 The word of God, I call it that- because i was told recently by someone, that it was not his word, that others wrote it, and that not all of that Bible was meant for me or everyone else... that the burning bush was meant for Moses....   Telling me God word was written by man was one thing, but telling me God did not write it, not even the red words... That got me worried about your soul and you in general....
 I pondered what you said long and hard, not that i ever agreed with you for one minute or even a second for that matter, but i pondered what is going on in HIS life that would lead him to feel this way about God's word... and it hit me, like a ton of bricks, God is dealing with YOU!! 
The Holy Spirit is convicting you, and to be quite honest, i expect to see some major changes going on in your life because of it,  I am certain.

So many  people in 2014 have lost sight of who GOD is, and some do not even believe in him. 
 It saddens me that some will battle the thought of him and call it a myth or a lie....I have even been told it was a big fat lie just to make us be able to deal with death.  but that was a different person, more distant from me.  there are many who mock or make fun to the God or his word, many that i know, YOU ALL are being prayed for continually....

Just because you don't believe in something does not make it untrue.
My beliefs are simple and they come from the Holy Bible, and yes it is GOD's word, he used the HOLY spirit to guide those who wrote it,  Nothing is impossible for God.  Think about it, he made the Heavens and the Earth. and All that is in it, you think he can't get a book published? 
Another thing i have learned,  you can not change the heart of a person.  Only God can do that... it is nothing for God to do.  He has a way.  He is the way.

 He will convict you, where you are wrong, and he will right it, if you are his!!  He just does that..... 
  The same God and the same Holy Spirit will get through to you, just the same way he did Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, etc etc etc....and anyone else he chooses to get through to.

 God sent his Son to earth and he Died on a Cross.  He died on that cross to atone for everyone's sin. 
His love for us is unfailing and his word is our guide and our sword.  The devil can not defeat us when Jesus is on our side, the mere mention of his name, makes Satan flee.... No power of man can ever take that belief away from me.  I believe when you ask for forgiveness and you ask him into your life, then you are a child of God.  You are going to heaven.  If you deny him then your name will not be in the book of life. He will say, "I knew you not,"  and you will be gone forever more...  its all your choice, always has been and always will be, does not matter who preaches to you or who you argue with about God, It is all up to you and your heart and your faith alone.. Unfortunately I can't get you a ticket at the door..... It does not work that way.

 There will  NOT be a second chance after you are dead.  If you name is not there, you are doomed to eternity in a lake of fire.  God said so.  He keeps his promises.  

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